Book Review: “The Habit of Winning” by Prakash Iyer

Book Review: “The Habit of Winning” by Prakash Iyer


“The Habit of Winning” by Prakash Iyer is a captivating and inspirational read that delves into the mindset and habits required to succeed in various life facets. Drawing from his extensive experience in the corporate world, Iyer combines anecdotes, parables, and personal reflections to create a compelling narrative that motivates readers to cultivate winning habits. This book review explores the key themes, strengths, and potential areas for improvement in Iyer’s work.


Prakash Iyer, a seasoned corporate leader, author, and motivational speaker, uses his rich professional background to provide insights into the attitudes and behaviors that foster success. “The Habit of Winning” is not a conventional self-help book; it is a collection of short stories and parables, each designed to impart a specific lesson. The book is structured into several chapters, each focusing on different aspects of personal and professional development, including leadership, teamwork, perseverance, and attitude.

Key Themes

Leadership and Teamwork

One of the core themes of the book is the importance of effective leadership and teamwork. Iyer emphasizes that true leaders inspire and empower others, rather than simply wielding authority. Through various anecdotes, he illustrates how great leaders listen to their teams, provide constructive feedback, and lead by example.

For instance, Iyer shares a story about how the legendary cricket coach John Wright led the Indian cricket team by fostering a sense of unity and purpose. Wright’s leadership style, which focused on building trust and camaraderie among team members, serves as a powerful example of how effective leadership can lead to exceptional results.

Perseverance and Resilience

Another recurring theme in the book is the significance of perseverance and resilience in the face of challenges. Iyer underscores that setbacks and failures are inevitable, but what distinguishes winners is their ability to bounce back and keep moving forward. He draws on examples from sports, business, and personal experiences to highlight the value of persistence.

One notable story involves the journey of cricketer Anil Kumble, who played a crucial role in India’s victory despite sustaining a severe injury. Kumble’s determination to continue playing, even with a broken jaw, exemplifies the extraordinary resilience that is often required to achieve success.

Positive Attitude and Mindset

Iyer also delves into the power of a positive attitude and mindset. He argues that maintaining a positive outlook, even in adverse situations, can significantly influence one’s ability to overcome obstacles and seize opportunities. Through uplifting stories, he demonstrates how a positive mindset can lead to better decision-making, enhanced creativity, and improved performance.

A particularly inspiring story in this context is about a salesperson who, despite numerous rejections, maintained an optimistic attitude and eventually secured a major deal. This story serves as a reminder that a positive attitude can open doors and create possibilities that might otherwise seem unattainable.

Continuous Learning and Improvement

The book advocates for a commitment to continuous learning and self-improvement. Iyer suggests that winners are lifelong learners who constantly seek to enhance their skills and knowledge. He shares examples of individuals who, despite their success, never stopped learning and evolving.

For instance, he talks about how legendary basketball player Michael Jordan continually worked on improving his game, even after achieving significant milestones. This dedication to continuous improvement underscores the idea that success is a journey, not a destination.

Notable Highlights

Engaging Storytelling

One of the book’s greatest strengths is Iyer’s engaging storytelling. The use of short, relatable stories makes complex concepts accessible and memorable. Each story is carefully chosen to illustrate a specific lesson, making the book both entertaining and educational.

Practical Insights

Iyer’s insights are practical and actionable, making them easy for readers to apply in their own lives. He provides concrete examples of how the principles he discusses can be implemented, whether in the workplace, at home, or in personal development.

Diverse Examples

The diversity of examples from different fields, including sports, business, and personal anecdotes, adds richness to the narrative. This variety ensures that readers from various backgrounds can find relatable and relevant lessons.


While “The Habit of Winning” is an inspiring and insightful read, it could benefit from a more structured approach in some areas. The book’s format, which consists of numerous short stories, can sometimes feel disjointed. A more cohesive narrative structure might enhance the overall flow and coherence of the book.

Additionally, while the stories are engaging, some readers might prefer a deeper exploration of certain concepts. Expanding on the theoretical underpinnings of the principles discussed could provide a more comprehensive understanding for those interested in the psychology and science behind winning habits.


“The Habit of Winning” is suitable for a wide audience, including professionals, students, and anyone interested in personal development. Its practical advice and inspirational stories make it an excellent read for those looking to cultivate a winning mindset and achieve success in various aspects of life.

10 Lessons from “The Habit of Winning” by Prakash Iyer

Prakash Iyer’s “The Habit of Winning” is packed with valuable lessons drawn from various fields such as sports, business, and personal development. Here are ten key lessons from the book:

1. The Power of Positive Thinking

Maintaining a positive attitude, even in the face of adversity, can significantly impact your success. A positive mindset not only helps you navigate challenges more effectively but also opens up new opportunities and possibilities. Iyer emphasizes that optimism is a choice that can shape your reality and outcomes.

2. Resilience in the Face of Failure

Failure is an inevitable part of any journey toward success. What distinguishes winners is their ability to bounce back from setbacks. Iyer illustrates this lesson through stories of individuals who, despite numerous failures, continued to persevere and ultimately achieved great success. The key is to view failure as a learning experience and not a definitive end.

3. The Importance of Teamwork

Effective teamwork is crucial for achieving extraordinary results. Iyer shares examples from sports and business to highlight how collaboration, trust, and mutual respect among team members can lead to success. Leaders should focus on building strong, cohesive teams that work towards common goals.

4. Continuous Learning and Improvement

Success is a journey, not a destination. Winners are lifelong learners who constantly seek to enhance their skills and knowledge. Iyer emphasizes the importance of staying curious and open to new ideas, and continually working on self-improvement, regardless of past achievements.

5. Leadership through Empowerment

True leaders inspire and empower others rather than merely exerting authority. Iyer discusses how effective leaders listen to their teams, provide constructive feedback, and lead by example. By fostering an environment where team members feel valued and supported, leaders can drive their teams to greater heights.

6. The Impact of Small Actions

Small, consistent actions can lead to significant results over time. Iyer highlights the importance of developing good habits and making incremental improvements daily. These small steps, when compounded, can lead to substantial progress and success.

7. Embracing Change and Adaptability

In a rapidly changing world, the ability to adapt is a critical trait for success. Iyer encourages readers to embrace change and be flexible in their approaches. Being open to new ideas and willing to pivot when necessary can help you stay relevant and competitive.

8. Setting Clear Goals

Clear, well-defined goals provide direction and motivation. Iyer stresses the importance of setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. Having a clear vision of what you want to achieve can help you stay focused and on track.

9. The Value of Hard Work and Discipline

There are no shortcuts to success. Hard work and discipline are essential components of any successful endeavor. Iyer shares stories of individuals who have achieved remarkable success through relentless effort and unwavering commitment to their goals.

10. Building Strong Relationships

Success is often a collective effort, and building strong relationships can play a crucial role in achieving your goals. Iyer underscores the importance of networking, seeking mentorship, and maintaining healthy relationships with peers, mentors, and subordinates. These relationships can provide support, guidance, and opportunities for growth.


Prakash Iyer’s “The Habit of Winning” is a motivational and insightful book that offers valuable lessons on leadership, resilience, attitude, and continuous improvement. Through engaging stories and practical advice, Iyer inspires readers to adopt habits that lead to success. Despite some structural and depth-related critiques, the book’s strengths in storytelling and relatability make it a worthwhile read for anyone seeking to develop a winning habit.

Rating: 4/5

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